Moisture Control is Key to Consistent Oilseed Processing

In the oilseed industry, processors strive for consistency in oilseed moisture content to maintain efficient operation and promote high-quality product formation to maximize their profits. Many processors, however, rely solely on mechanical friction inside the extruder to generate heat and dry the product to appropriate levels. Under ideal conditions, the frictional heat removes excess moisture…

The Difference Between Anderson Expanders and Extruders

The invention of Anderson Expanders Often when Anderson engineers visit oilseed processing plants to talk to potential clients about their operations, one question inevitably arises: What is the difference between traditional extruders and what Anderson calls its “expander” machines? And sometimes we’ll hear that a competitor told the potential client that Anderson does not make…

The Truth About Dehulling

As many in the oil seed processing industry know, dehulling can be a valuable tool when it comes to maximizing profits in any oil mill. But what some might not know is that there are many ways this can be done and targeting minimal hulls in the meal is not necessarily the best approach. Two…

Sequence of Operations is Critical for Oilseed Processing

It’s amazing the number of different processing systems we’ve encountered and built over the years, each designed with specific goals for process efficiency and quality of the end products. When assessing established oilseed processing operations, we often find processors have purchased machines from several different manufacturers to perform distinct functions. Today’s manufacturers are highly focused…